Real Estate

We invest in various real estate sectors across our capital stack to create a well-rounded portfolio designed to mitigate risk and enhance potential returns.

Our experience in capital markets through public vehicles and private tax advantageous offerings provides exposure to several real estate sectors. The exponential growth of our company is attributed to proactively launching new investment vehicles, broadening our real estate asset mix by staying attuned to market dynamics, and scaling our distribution and back-office teams to efficiently manage the heightened level of activity.


Real Estate Assets Under Management1


Real Estate transactions in the last 12 months2


Gross Real Estate Acquisitions since inception2

Asset Class Experience

Single-Family Rental


Life Sciences

Portfolio Highlights


1. Real estate assets as of 12/31/2024, inclusive of affiliates.

2. Real estate assets acquired from January 1, 2012, to December 31, 2024, inclusive of affiliates.

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